Tuesday, April 30, 2013

May Day, May Day

    It is hard to believe that, within a few days time, my garden will be in full steam ahead mode.  Spring starts slowly in these parts, unfolding its new leaves over two months, beginning in mid-March.  Finally, the first week in May, all heaven breaks loose and it is as though the green had never left us.  

  Unfortunately for some, including me, all hell also breaks loose!  May signals the beginning of a month of sneezing, sniffling, watery eyes etc.  Allergies!   

  Mine arrive when the rhododendrons open although  I suspect the culprit is not those lovely flowers but the grasses and weeds that are flowering  at the same time.

May Garden©Barbara Kaufmann2012

  Here's how I manage:

*  I usually use a prescription nasal spray instead of oral antihistamines which send me into La-La Land. 

* I NEVER mow the lawn. Lucky for me, my best friend isn't allergic and he LOVES to mow the lawn!

* I take the herb Nettles every day (all year)

* I remove my gardening clothes and take a shower and wash my hair as soon as possible when I am finished for the day, to remove any pollen from my body.

* When all else fails I take an antihistamine for relief or stay indoors near a window where I can look at the garden.

  I have noticed that my allergies are less and less severe as the years go by.  Not sure why but I'm very thankful for it.

Happy May Day!


  1. I love that pretty garden photo. I never had allergies, but the last few years I go get itchy eyes and runny nose when gardening, but that is nothing compared to people like you I am sure. Hope this season isn't too bad.

  2. Happy May Day Barbara!! When I was in college, we had a real Maypole (actually 2) and we folkdanced every May first, so I have wonderful happy memories every May day :-) Thank you for your beautiful rhodies, I love them! (Glad your allergies are better, too)


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