Monday, March 31, 2014

Two Years Old And Still Living In The Moment!

So, guess what?  The Healthy Nut is two years old!   My first post, went live on March 30, 2012.  Since then I have written over 200 posts here.

As I reread my original post about what was important to me in 2012, I realized that the act of making that list at the outset (Welcome to the Healthy Nut) was instrumental in keeping me on track---with my life as well as with the blog. Writing helps me figure out what I am thinking.

My goal to establish a consistent writing practice has been realized. I am writing poetry everyday.  Along with a new-found interest in making art in conjunction with my poems by digitally manipulating some of my photos, this daily practice brings great joy and many gifts into my life.  It is amazing to (re)discover an interest that was long dormant and begin to 'play' with art materials again.  Is this what is meant by a second childhood?  I hope so. My poems have found a home here - Wabi Sabi---poems and images.

In the past four years, since retiring, I have completed a formation program in Spiritual Direction. I have grown and continue to grow into this ministry in ways that are not easy to articulate.

 Spending time in contemplative prayer nourishes me as I try to carry the love and compassion I receive from a merciful God with me throughout the day.  I look for God in all things, and often find evidence of this Creator in the natural world around me. Whenever I have the opportunity, I take photos of these grace-filled moments. I post these meditations on another site, which is a rather new project, still evolving.  If you want to peek at that journey or come along with me, you can find my meditations here: Take Off Your Sandals.

As for this blog, as you can see,  I have given it a bit of a cosmetic make-over for spring.  I will continue to post here willy-nilly and write about the  things that bring me joy and contribute to my healthy outlook on this second half of my life.

My family, especially my husband, children and grandchildren,  gardening, photography, hiking in the woods and at the beach, looking for birds,  growing and using herbs for health and seasoning, reading, exercising and staying healthy.....all of these activities as well as updates on the adventures of Amma and Pappa, will continue to receive attention on these pages.

This morning, it was raining at six AM, hailing at seven.  By eight it had started to snow. We had an inch of slushy snow on the ground by ten.  Now,(3 PM) the snow is gone, the sun is out and the temperature is heading for 50.  Which only proves one thing. Life can change at a moment's notice. Why not embrace whatever comes and discover the joy in it?

March 31 AM

March 31 PM

Take Away - Accept whatever comes, with open arms.


  1. Congrats on keeping at this blogging thing! It is a wonderful outlet for creative juices, isn't it ??? May you have many more posts and many more sources of inspiration! Blessings!

  2. Barbara, good for you!!! You just posted two of my favorite things--cardinals and crocuses :-) Beautiful. Thank you for all you poetry and photos, I have enjoyed each and every one

  3. Happy Blogiversary! That's quite a change in weather. We're expecting severe storms in the next 24 hours. It's always interesting!


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